Visit Us
You’ll find Christ Church at: 6 Center Street in Hornell, right off Main Street and next to the YMCA. You can also contact the church by phone at 607-324-3620 and by email at
We worship at 9 am on Sunday mornings, which means that the doors are open no later than 8:30 am. We gather in the nave, our largest worship space, and our Sunday morning worship contains prayer, Scripture, and music. Two Sundays a month, we include music during communion, sung by our choir. We most often have Holy Eucharist on Sundays, though
Rev. Shanna Hawks uses the second Sunday of the month as "one church" Sundays. The Hornell Church will have morning prayer when she is only at the Savona Church, and vice versa. This helps her to know and care for both congregations better, as she is able to visit with people at coffee hour after the service.
After our Sunday morning service, we gather downstairs for coffee hour, where snacks and beverages are available, and people gather for conversation and fellowship. We have a chair lift that is available to anyone who needs help moving between the levels of the church.

On Tuesdays, we hold a Holy Eucharist with Healing Prayer in the chapel at 9:30 am. The chapel is accessible by coming in through the entrance at the top of the stairs (accessible also by ramp) on Center Street. From that entrance, the chapel is opposite the nave, making it accessible by crossing the nave or by taking the stairs. The stairs near the entrance allow visits to go across without entering the nave, either by the upstairs hallway or the parish hall downstairs. The Tuesday Eucharist is less formal, including a noticeable difference in preaching. On Tuesdays, the congregation builds the sermon together through questions and reflection on the saint(s) commemorated and the Scripture that is read. Healing prayers are offered after receiving Eucharist.
Our priest, Rev. Shanna Hawks, holds office hours when anyone can drop in on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11 am-1 pm. The office is at the top of the stairs, on the Center Street side of the building. The office is accessible through the entrance at the top of the stairs and ramp on Center Street, and through the first doorway on the right at the top of the interior staircase. Rev. Shanna can also meet by appointment on Tuesdays and Thursdays, outside of her office hours and elsewhere in Hornell.